Friday, 6 November 2009

Those damn badgers...

The last week or two have been all about my mental health - I've seen a psychiatrist, three GPs, a social worker, my new CPN... as yet, none of the pills or potions have made any difference, but the fact that someone's listening and trying to make things better is helping me get through bit my bit. Anyway, it's all been a bit intense and a lot of talking about stuff, so I've taken today off to give myself a bit of space - after my appointment this morning I went into town, got my eyebrows threaded (Ow!! But very pretty) bought some new makeup and had my hair cut. Looks much better, but now the roots are showing, so I'm going to have to dye it again. Am feeling much more pretty and human now anyway, and I'm off out to have a catch up with friends tonight. I probably shouldn't be eating pizza the night before weigh-in, but hey - I don't drink and a girl's got to have some vices!

Weirdly, my psychiatrist has also told me to go and get my hearing aids looked at. When I first started hearing voices, I assumed I was picking up induction coils and bluetooth from other people's electrical gadgets - it was only when I started hearing things with my aids out that I realised it had to be in my head. I guess then I owe my sanity to deafness - if I could hear normally, I'd probably have assumed the voices were real...

My work's lagging behind a bit, and I should probably be writing about epilepsy in patients with learning disabilities rather than blogging! Hey ho.

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